Quickly convert grams to ounces with our easy-to-use calculator. Simply input the amount in grams, and get the equivalent in ounces in a flash.
In 1 grams there are 0.035273961949580414 ounces. Meanwhile in 1 ounces there are 28.349523125 grams. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure and how they are calculated. Or just use the Ounces to Grams calculator above to convert any number.
When it comes to converting grams to ounces, it's all about simple multiplication and division.
To start, remember that there are 0.0352739619 ounces in a gram. So, to convert grams to ounces, you'll multiply the number of grams by 0.0352739619.
Here's an example: Let's say you have 100 grams. To convert that to ounces, it would be: 100 grams * 0.0352739619 ounces/gram = 3.52739619 ounces.
That's it! Simple, right?
Just keep in mind that if you want to convert grams to pounds, you'll need to know that there are 16 ounces in a pound. So, if you want to skip over ounces and go straight to pounds, divide the number of grams by 453.59237.
For example, if you have 500 grams and want to convert it to pounds: 500 grams / 453.59237 grams/pound = 1.10231131 pounds.
Now you're ready to easily convert grams to ounces and pounds without any hassle. Happy calculating!
There are 0.035 ounces in a gram.
To convert grams to ounces, simply multiply the gram value by 0.035.
To calculate the number of ounces from grams, divide the gram value by 28.35.
You can easily convert grams to ounces by using a conversion calculator or by using the conversion factor 0.035.
The conversion from grams to ounces is fairly accurate, but please note that there may be a very small rounding error due to the conversion factor.
The Calculate Box tool to convert grams to ounces uses the open source script Convert.js to convert units of measurement. To use this tool, simply type grams value in the box and have it instantly converted to ounces.