Quickly convert millitorr to pascals with our easy-to-use calculator. Get accurate results in seconds, saving you time and hassle!
In 1 millitorr there are 0.13332236842105263 pascals. Meanwhile in 1 pascals there are 7.500616827041697 millitorr. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure and how they are calculated. Or just use the Pascals to Millitorr calculator above to convert any number.
To convert pressure from millitorr to pascals and vice versa, use the following formulas:
To convert millitorr to pascals: p[Pa] = 0.1333223684 × p[mTorr]
To convert pascals to millitorr: p[mTorr] = 7.50061683 × p[Pa]
These formulas allow you to easily convert between the two pressure units. For example, if you have a pressure measurement in millitorr and want to convert it into pascals, simply multiply the value in millitorr by 0.1333223684. On the other hand, if you have a pressure measurement in pascals and want to convert it to millitorr, multiply the value in pascals by 7.50061683.
Keep these formulas handy to quickly and accurately convert between millitorr and pascals, regardless of the application.
The conversion rate from millitorr to pascals is 1 millitorr = 0.133322 pascals.
To convert millitorr to pascals, simply multiply the millitorr value by 0.133322.
Millitorr is a unit of pressure commonly used to measure the pressure inside vacuum systems. It is particularly used in scientific research and industrial applications where precise pressure measurements are required.
Pascal is the SI unit of pressure and is commonly used in various scientific and engineering applications. It is widely used in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering to measure pressure, stress, and other related quantities.
The Calculate Box tool to convert millitorr to pascals uses the open source script Convert.js to convert units of measurement. To use this tool, simply type millitorr value in the box and have it instantly converted to pascals.